Lent is a time when Christians all over the world prepare themselves to remember the death of Jesus Christ and celebrate His resurrection.
Restore me to the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Psalm 51:12
This year at chapels, we will be leading up to Easter by learning about and trying out five spiritual practices:
- Fasting
- Silence
- Prayer
- Simplicity
- Submission
These are ways that Christians have historically allowed the Holy Spirit to work in them to turn their desire to follow Jesus into a lifestyle of Christ-likeness. As we try out some aspects of these practices, we invite families to join together to develop habits that lead us closer to God.
PLEASE NOTE: As we have discussed Fasting with the students in chapel, we have made sure they understand we are not encouraging the skipping of meals. This is not a healthy practice for growing young people.