Let's Get Down to Business

Let's Get Down to Business
Candace Jefferies

For the spring semester, ICSB is offering an Upper School course on the Fundamentals of Business, which focuses on the critical role of finance and accounting in analyzing and operating any business.

The primary objective of this course is to provide an overview of the various business formats – from sole proprietorships to multi-national corporations – and to equip students to read and analyze financial statements. Students are experiencing a “crash course” in accounting, how businesses are financed with equity and debt, and how to develop a business plan for a start-up company.

The instructor, Mr. Spencer Jefferies, spent 35 years as a small business owner. He is encouraged to have over 25 students enrolled in this course in its first offering. In operating any type of business, regardless of size and kind, Mr. Jefferies emphasizes that there must be order (1 Corinthians 14:4) and veracity (Proverbs 20:10), consistent with Biblical principles. These aspects make accurate accounting and honest financial reporting crucial for a business. His hope is that this course will not only give students insight into the “nuts and bolts” of operating or analyzing a business but also whet the appetite of those students whom God calls to pursue a career in business.

He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity  Proverbs 2:7


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