Celebrate Insights, Come On!

Celebrate Insights, Come On!
Olivia Baker

Lower School students shared their favorite projects from the first semester at last Friday's Celebration of Learning. 

The Celebration of Learning (CoL) is a special time at the end of each semester when Lower School students, teachers, and families come together to celebrate academic and personal growth. More than just an event, CoL is an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning journey and recognize their progress. Highlighting one of our expected student outcomes, students practice being Effective Communicators by presenting what they have learned to their families, peers, and teachers.


Student showing parent their work


Students select their two best projects from the semester to showcase, whether tackling scientific concepts like nuclear energy and splitting an atom, robotics, or engaging in other creative endeavors. The presentations serve as their version of "dissertation time." Instead of just handing in a written exam, students have the opportunity to share a meaningful, interactive demonstration of their understanding and progress. This different way of showing their progress also aids those students with various learning styles who might struggle with a written test. 

The CoL also strengthens the greater learning community by encouraging interaction across classes and subjects. Teachers visit students' work in disciplines outside their own. For example, this past Friday, one could see Mr. Lorn Apel, a math teacher, engaging with English presentations, or first-grade teacher Ms. Hannah Hocutt, taking pictures and interacting with students in Ms. Luiza Sekkar's fourth-grade class. Students also support one another in their presentations, with Middle Grade students visiting early grades students and so on. 


Student showing parent their project


One newer tradition of CoL has been the introduction of encouraging notes. Parents and staff can write students notes of encouragement. The school supplies notecards with prompts written in English, Chinese, Hungarian, Korean, and Ukrainian, and the goal is for every student to receive notes of encouragement. 

The tradition of Celebration of Learning was founded on the belief that learning is not just about grades but about growth, perseverance, and wisdom. Through CoL, students build knowledge, confidence, and a love for learning within a supportive community.


Parents and Students interacting at Celebration of Learning



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