30 Years at ICSB! - Precious Memories Shared

30 Years at ICSB! - Precious Memories Shared
Candace Jefferies

The years are many but the smiles are the same. Mr. Lorn Apel and Ms. Rebecca Lingenhoel have been smiling, teaching, and loving ICSB students for 30 years! They were here when the doors opened and are still here going strong.

As we continue to celebrate our 30th year, we recently reached out to our Forever Bulldogs and ICSB Facebook followers, asking them to share memories of these two longtime members of the ICSB family. Not surprisingly, the response from former students and staff was tremendous.

We want to share some of their comments with our community as they paint a beautiful picture of dedication and love.

Angela Dawn

30 years?! Wow! You two are incredible. I always loved being able to have a music class to faithfully take my class to and Rebecca was so perfect at her job. The kids always loved to go.

And Lorn! Wow, so many fun memories. From being “new” to ICSB together and going through the training in PA, to pi day, to many fun celebrations like Christmas Adam throughout our times at ICSB. I loved hearing your stories about bringing in and digging through books to teach with. Now look at the school! ICSB has come a long way! Congratulations, my friend! What a great honor it was to work with you for a measly 5 years. But in that short time, you stood out and made a huge impact in my life Keep being 100% uniquely you.

Rebeka Dorogi-Kabarcz

Okay, so I will never forget how Mr. Apel and Mr. Young used to dress up as women for Pep Rally every single year…a definite highlight of the school year!

And Mrs. Lingenhoel, what can I say…. You were the first teacher in my first year at ICSB (fifth grade, 2000) who made me feel so welcome and less anxious about the fact that I didn’t speak any English. You knew a couple of words in Hungarian and always had a kind smile and gave me a wink during choir. As years went by, you were the one who brought out my confident self by letting me play parts in musicals and sing in front of a huge crowd. My love for speaking on stage in front of people, which is still an important factor in my job today, well… you did that! Thank You! I will forever be grateful!

Samuel Vaughan

I always loved Mrs. Lingenhoel, but years after school, I am even more grateful for the time spent in her choirs and Hungarian Culture class. There is something about starting each day in song, or learning, and performing the choreography to a high school musical that builds your confidence and teaches you to express yourself and not take life too seriously. At a point in my life (middle school & high school) where I was so filled with insecurity, it’s crazy to think how much she pulled out of me, and all of us for that matter. What an incredible person. Transformative in ways I never realized until much later.

I’ll also share that in my adult life, I’ve been surprised by how much I think back to Ms. Lingenhoel's Hungarian Culture class. Living in the United States the last 11 years, new people I meet usually don’t even know about this part of my life, that I grew up in Hungary. Since it’s not talked about or acknowledged, it could be easy to forget this part of my identity and story. But being able to recite a bit of the Nemzeti Dal, brag about Hungarians inventing the helicopter or Rubik’s cube, and thinking back to making goulash, affirms that part of my life.

Whitney Mullet Teders

Mrs. Lingenhoel told the freshman girls one year about this recurring frustration she had related to making mashed potatoes for a holiday. Can't remember if it made her angry to make them or not to make them (lol) - at any rate, she and her husband finally realized that whatever she'd grown up with was different than how it had been going in their marriage, and once she said it out loud they switched potato mashing roles and all's been well in food prep since, apparently! You better believe I keep an eye out for different family culture/patterns to troubleshoot conflict because of her. What a gem of a woman!

Jim Southard

Ms. Lingenhoel was a neighbor when my family lived and worked in Budapest. Our most delightful memory was of her guiding the production of Fiddler on the Roof, in which my whole family participated. It was an impressive mix of hard work and joy!

Tiana Marie

I first met Ms. Lingenhoel when I did Aladdin in middle school. I later joined the ICSB family and had her in choir and musicals all through high school. She taught me so much about my voice!

Alexis Kristina 

Wow! Congratulations! I loved watching Mrs Lingenhoel’s students perform and literally seeing the whole community of ICSB in one room together! Bringing people together through music …

Kristin and Kevin Schut

Happy Mr Apel day! So many good memories!

Whitney Mullet Teders

Two of the dearest humans ever.

Dan Robinson

Both of them taught me. Two of my favorite teachers ever. Congrats on 30 years of service, Mr. Apel and Mrs. Rebecca Lingenhoel! They were both there when I started at ICSB in the fall of 1994 (4th grade for me). Many memories of both of them. Time does fly when you’re having fun, right?

Becky Jones

Both are joyful, selfless servants.

Micah Apel

A great music teacher and a great dad! 

Eliza Apel

Personally, I think Mr. Apel is pretty cool.

Karen Fenz

Two lifelong friends I found in Budapest and got to work with at ICSB.


These narratives collectively celebrate 30 years of exceptional service by Mr. Apel and Ms. Rebecca Lingenhoel, highlighting the deep and diverse ways in which they've touched lives, nurtured talents, and fostered a sense of community at ICSB. Hooray for Mr. Apel and Ms. Lingenhoel and Hooray for 30th Years of ICSB - all still excellent and going strong!


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