Academic Counseling
We understand the university application process is both a challenging and exciting experience, demanding thorough preparation. Although our structured university and academic counseling formally starts in 11th grade, our counselor begins the process in 9th grade, offering regular academic and career consultations.
Whether a student is planning to go to university, take a gap year, or pursue other options, our Upper School Academic Counselor guides them in their quest to find the pathway that best fits their abilities, interests and needs.
As an esteemed international institution, we recognize the diverse aspirations of students aiming for universities worldwide. We help them find their path by tailoring our support to match their distinct ambitions.
In addition to one-to-one guidance sessions with our Academic Counselor, students have access to numerous college-planning resources, including a robust software program called Cialfo. ICSB organizes a College Planning Informational Meeting for parents and students in the fall to help provide a timeline and goals for university preparation. We host numerous visits from universities around the world as well as hosting our own College Fair and Career Fair during alternating years.
We are proud of our graduates who embark on academic pursuits at universities and colleges across North America, Great Britain, mainland Europe, Korea, and Japan.
We encourage you to review our School Profile below to see the university acceptances of our graduates.
Academic Counseling by Grade Level
Testing Dates, University Visits & Other Events
ICSB is an official testing site for the ACT and hosts numerous college and university visits each year, as well as a College Planning Meeting, and a College Fair/Career Fair. See the calendar below for upcoming test dates and other academic counseling events.
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Academic Counselor