Did You Know We Have Ebooks?

Did You Know We Have Ebooks?
Tricia Fraser

Check out our 200+ library books that can be read electronically! 

Our ICSB Library has been working to grow our collection of ebooks, so that people in our community can access books from anywhere, on their phone, tablet, or computer. Almost all of our required summer reading for upper school students is available in ebook form, plus many more great options for all ages! 

For example:

ebook covers

And more!

more ebook covers


To access our ebooks:

1. Go to the library tab on the ICSB website. 

2. Click Follett Destiny. 

3. Sign into your account. For students, your sign-in will be the same as your school sign-in. For parents and staff, we will need to set you up with an account. Just send me a note or stop in and I can get you started. 

4. Once you have an account, you can search our entire collection, put physical books on hold, renew books that you have checked out, AND you can open and read ebooks on your phone, tablet, or laptop. 

5. For even easier reading, you can download the Destiny Discover app. That will allow you to download our ebooks so that you can read them when you're not online. 


If you have ANY questions, feel free to write to me or drop in sometime for a brochure with further instructions. 


Mrs. Tricia Fraser





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