Carter Long

Carter Long

In this Senior Spotlight, meet Carter from the United States of America, who attended ICSB for ten years.

What have you been involved in at ICSB?

Chapel Tech Team (Upper and Lower School), Adventure Skills, Band, Musical Orchestra

Share about a teacher(s) and how they have impacted you positively.

It's not really possible to pick just one teacher. Having a Biblically grounded staff body at ICSB has been an immense blessing. It's not really something you can quantify to one specific action or person, but most of the teachers at ICSB have collectively contributed to my spiritual walk immensely. I can't thank them enough, because they are at the core foundation of what makes ICSB great.

What’s your favorite thing or memory about ICSB?

My favorite memory would probably be doing Chapel practices. I've been on the tech team every year I've attended ICSB, and it has majorly helped to further and develop my passion for technology.

What has been the highlight of your senior year?

So far, I would say the highlight of my senior year would be my class' Christmas party. Even though the semester technically wasn't over yet, it marked a really good halfway point for me personally as our time here at ICSB is coming to an end.

What are some of the ways you’ve grown since you first came to ICSB?

I've probably grown the most at ICSB in my character. Being surrounded by the tight-knit community that is ICSB's students has made me who I am today, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Will you be attending college next year?

No, I will be starting my career in Information Technology in the US