News and Blogs
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Top hats in pajamas, togas, and flying houses, this year's Bulldog Spirit Week lived up to the hype.
- Schoolwide
Seventh Graders did a 'fin-tastic' job presenting Chinese inventions to a panel of Sharks in their history class last week.
- Middle Grades
From the Parade of Nations to cultural performances and delicious homemade dishes, this year's International Festival brought our community together in a celebration of diversity.
- Schoolwide
The hot-button issue? Was America’s westward expansion justifiable? Students engaged in thought-provoking discussions and sharpened their critical thinking while tackling this complex historical question.
- Upper School
ICSB chapels spent January exploring what Christianity looks like in Hungary, Brazil, and Ukraine.
- Schoolwide
Lower School students shared their favorite projects from the first semester at last Friday's Celebration of Learning.
- Lower School
ICSB made waves at its first-ever swim meet at AISB this past weekend! Read on for details on the record-setting wins!
- Upper School
If plants could talk, the stories they'd tell. Well, it turns out they do, kind of; you just might need to do some dissecting and deep thinking, as Pre-First learned last week.
- Early Grades
After twenty years of never tiring to do good for our community, next Friday, January 24, Mrs. Tina Curby is retiring.
- Staff
From sunshine to Superman's lasers, there can be a million reasons a snowman melts, as first-grade students discussed in their art project last week.
- Early Grades
We're continuing our series on resources for Global Citizens. This week it's Upper School!
Last week, we discussed resources for early grades students. This week, it's middle grades!
A Global Citizen: 1. Is a responsible, productive, compassionate member of society. 2. Develops God-honoring solutions to real-world problems. 3 Practices justice, mercy, and righteousness with others.
Last year, I read 121 books. Of those available in our library, here are my top 10!
Christmas devotional videos for the whole family and a New Year's series about how to make and stick with your resolutions!
This year, Mr. Smith's Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) class has been coming to the library three times a week to read. What great books have they discovered?
The ICSB library has over 160 Christmas books, for all ages!
Last week, we got almost 150 new library books, and more will arrive this week!
A prolific author of science fiction/fantasy, Sanderson has become a trusted name in the world of young adult fiction. Check out our growing collection of his great books, including a brand new one that arrived this week!
Here are some new books that we've acquired in the last year or two that are still waiting to be discovered.