Health and Safety

An effective learning environment depends on health and safety of our students and staff. We are committed to remain vigilant in protecting the well-being of our school community.

Safety and Security

A security guard is present any time the school is open, and all adults on campus must wear a lanyard and identification badge. We practice evacuation, lockdown, and hallway shelter drills with the entire student body, and teachers are trained to respond to various emergency situations.

Health Office

Our health office personnel are available each day to care for any student with health care needs. A school doctor is also on campus one day each week, and students receive an annual physical exam as well as required immunizations.


We recognize that sometimes students need assistance with behavioral, social, or emotional difficulties. We are able to provide counseling during some school hours as well as offer referrals to trained professionals who can help outside of school.

Hot Lunch Program

We offer daily hot lunches which are ordered and paid for each month in advance by parents.